Hybrid BIM and multiple objective evolutionary algorithm for construction project scheduling

2021-08-13 来源:长安大学公路基础设施经济与管理研究中心

Tittle: Hybrid BIM and multiple objective evolutionary algorithm for construction project scheduling

Reporter: Prof. HOC TRAN DUC

Time: 16:00-18:00 (Beijing time) 26 Aug

Zoom会议 ID851 7277 8016

点击链接直接加入会议: https://zoom.com.cn/j/85172778016


 Dr. Duc-Hoc Tran is currently a HCMUT lecturer and works as an Associate Professor in Construction Management. Dr. Tran specializes in artificial intelligence (AI) related to construction engineering. His main research directions are project scheduling, intelligent optimization method; multiple objective optimization; building information modelling (BIM) and artificial intelligence applications in construction management. He is the main author of 22 ISI journal articles and more than 45 articles in total related to engineering management. Many articles are published in high impact journals. He was the principal investigator (PI) of 02 projects related to applying artificial intelligence for construction management at Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. He has conducted a Nafosted project that uses AI for energy management (funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology). In the training, he has successfully guided more than 10 graduate students and become reviewers of several international journals. Dr. Hoc also has consultancy experiences in several private and public engineering sectors.