Digital Transformation in Design and Construction Management
Tittle: Digital Transformation in Design and Construction Management
Reporter: Prof. Ruoyu Jin
Time: 16:00-18:00 (Beijing time) 14 Aug
Zoom会议ID:881 4981 5285
主 持 人:张静晓
Biography and Photo:
Dr Ruoyu Jin currently works as an Associate Professor in Construction Management, from School of Built Environment and Architecture at London South Bank University. He specialises in Building Information Modelling (BIM) pedagogy, construction safety education, construction waste management especially recycled aggregate concrete, and off-site manufacturing for construction. With professional experience in both civil engineering technologies and construction management, Dr Jin is highly motivated to link technological development in built environment (e.g., digitalisation in construction) into the managerial aspect, such as multi-stakeholder perceptions towards digitalisation in a socio-technical approach. In recent years, Ruoyu has been working on funded research projects related to: (1) applications of digital technologies in off-site manufactured building foundation prototype; and (2) BIM and virtual reality to enhance construction employees' behavioural safety performance. He is currently working on the British Council-funded project on “Integrated Built Environment Teaching & Learning in the Joint Curriculum Development amid Digital-Driven Industry 4.0 among China, Vietnam, and UK” and the UK Manufacturing Symbiosis Network Plus (UKMSN+) project entitled “SCADMAN – Sustainable Construction through Additive Manufacturing”.
Ruoyu also serves as a peer reviewer for 11 international journals in the field of built environment and civil engineering. He is an Editorial Advisory Panel Member of ICE’s International Journal Management, Procurement and Law, and an associate member for CRIOCM Youth Committee in Construction Management.
Dr Jin has authored in over 70 peer-reviewed journal articles indexed in Web of Science and Scopus, more than 15 conference proceedings, one book chapter, and one patented innovation in reusing construction wastes as sustainable construction materials. Dr Jin has been either the leading author or corresponding author for more than 30 of them. Dr Jin’s research paper entitled “An empirical study of perceptions towards construction and demolition waste recycling and reuse in China” won the most Cited Paper Award 2019 in Journal of Resources, Conservation & Recycling.